Pod on Tour
Michelle *watching Jo make a cup of tea in the kitchen* well I'm pissed off with tvnz for moving the grand prix from channel one
Jo *making a cup of tea* where's it gone? pay for view?
Michelle *watching Jo make a cup of tea in the kitchen* yeh, it's on SKY now. And it's just too expensive to pay for SKYSport just to watch one hour of racing once a fortnight for half the year. bugger it.
Jo *picking up her cup of tea* the way we use our SKY is that my husband'll watch the Discovery Channel downstairs and i'm such a sad fart these days I'll be upstairs asleep in bed
Michelle *walking back to our desk* and he's down stairs watching the Discovery Channel hoping against hope there'll be some Tribal women with no tops on
Jo *walking past the big meeting room with approximately 20 Team Leaders and Redcoats sitting around the table with the meeting door open* *gruff and caveman-like voice* BOOBIES
Michelle*walking past the big meeting room with approximately 20 Team Leaders and Redcoats turning around to look out the open meeting room door* Thank God for National Geographic!
Jo *groan* they were all just looking at us
Michelle who?
Jo all the team leaders and redcoats in that meeting room we just passed
Michelle *sag* *groan* damn
Jo I'll just tell them it wasn't *me* who said "boobies"
Michelle and they'll believe you too. god no wonder everyone knows me.