New beginnings

I don’t think Easter could have come at a better time for me. To get a five day weekend after two weeks in a new job is perfect because I could do with some time to process all the changes that such a new job brings.

About a month ago out of the blue I was offered a secondment - a temporary, time-based transfer to another part of the University to work on a specific and awesome project. The secondment will last until the end of the year and involves working with a new team. Even so, it’s like a brand new job even though it's with the same 'firm', and getting up to speed has been full-on almost-information overload.

The change of pace and focus couldn’t have come at a better time for me, though; I was ready for it. The energy and expertise of the team is immense. It’s fantastic to be part of a team again where we're all pulling together to the same end.

And so is the Easter break - my brain is going to appreciate the downtime to percolate through all the new data. 

As idle hands are the devil's work, I have a couple of projects at home I’d like to work on this weekend while my brain is doing it's stuff. I don’t expect to finish either of them, but to move them along would be a good result.


Painted hutch dresser

The dresser is in two parts - with the glass windowed top (behind) to sit on top of the base (front) unit.

The dresser is in two parts - with the glass windowed top (behind) to sit on top of the base (front) unit.

A long time ago - last year? the year before? - I bought a hutch dresser from TradeMe for $100. I was pretty chuffed with that bargain. I didn’t want to too spend much a the dresser because I was going to paint it so the cheaper the better.

Over the last few months I've bought the paint, brushes, and sandpaper for the job as well as stripped the dresser of the knobs and handles; even did a test paint on one of the doors to see how the stain retarder undercoat would work. I got to the point where it was ready for sanding the rest of the dresser and that’s where I stopped.

So this weekend I’d like to sand the dresser so it's ready for the undercoat. The forecast is for not-too-hot weather so I’ll be able to do it outside to save my house from with the fine dust associated with sanding which had been the excuse I'd been telling myself for why I've waited so long for this step.

Wallpapered guest bedroom

Guest bedroom in a state to improve - all the tools are gathered - just need to add elbow grease!

Guest bedroom in a state to improve - all the tools are gathered - just need to add elbow grease!

This has been a stalled job for years. Finally we’ve stripped the last of the old wall paper, sanded and painted the window frame and ceiling, and bought the wallpaper. The tasks this weekend include pulling up the carpet to expose the floorboards and putting the wallpaper on the walls. Though I would be okay if we only do one of those tasks, and the other next weekend. Either one would be a major achievement for this weekend.

The rest of the weekend I shall be wearing my comfy pants while reading, listening to the radio, snoozing, and letting my brain process all it the info it’s taken in over the last few weeks.

Do you have a long weekend for Easter where you are? Are you working on any projects at the moment?