Big Draw: Capitol Theatre

On the last Saturday of every month, The Big Draw Meetup gather to sketch and paint. The organisers never seem to be at a loss to find fantastic locations. This month the location was the Auckland's unofficial Chinese-town on Dominion Road.

It was hard to see how many of us were drawing, but from the photo I stole from Stephen via Facebook, there seems 13 of us had shown up.

The Big Draw 'family photo': Capitol Cinema

The Big Draw 'family photo': Capitol Cinema

I drew in pencil which is unusual for me. Might have been my nervousness with perspective drawings; might have been that I was leaning up against a lamp post and didn't want to get my paints out. Whatever the reason, I used all the hours I had to sketch the street scene in pencil line and painted it at home.

Capitol Theatre spread after The Big Draw.

Capitol Theatre spread after The Big Draw.

The trouble with this approach is I end up "colouring in" and miss the vibrancy and energy I get when painting at the time. 

Ah, well. There's always next month!