On the last Saturday of every month, The Big Draw Meetup gather to sketch and paint. The organisers never seem to be at a loss to find fantastic locations. This month the location was the Auckland's unofficial Chinese-town on Dominion Road.
It was hard to see how many of us were drawing, but from the photo I stole from Stephen via Facebook, there seems 13 of us had shown up.
The Big Draw 'family photo': Capitol Cinema
I drew in pencil which is unusual for me. Might have been my nervousness with perspective drawings; might have been that I was leaning up against a lamp post and didn't want to get my paints out. Whatever the reason, I used all the hours I had to sketch the street scene in pencil line and painted it at home.
Capitol Theatre spread after The Big Draw.
The trouble with this approach is I end up "colouring in" and miss the vibrancy and energy I get when painting at the time.
Ah, well. There's always next month!