Yesterday I attended a live-screening at the University of Auckland of Reality Since Einstein discussion at the World Science Festival in New York.
“Hubble was a trained Lawyer; became an Astronomer; which means there is hope for everybody!”
I've always been interested in Science, and especially Physics since I was told I couldn't study it in High School because I had weak mathematics skills - what a way to utilise "spite" for betterment. The last decade has made such subjects much more accessible to 'muggles' like myself, with popular books, documentaries, and pubic lectures to build information to deeper understand the mechanics of the world/worlds we live in.
Reality Since Einstein was a fascinating and well-pitched panel discussion moderated by Brian Green. The panel included:
They started with a quick primer on gravity from Newton to Einstein, followed by a dip into Cosmology, Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, String Theories, and current ideas, directions, and theories physics are pondering.
“Nothing in the Laws of Nature says that theoretical physicists have to be happy.”
My notes captured quotes from the panel discussion and you can find a link to the live stream recording below that. It's well produced, interesting and entertaining; worth watching for anyone at any level.
Thanks to the University of Auckland's Department of Physics for screening the discussion and hosting a Q&A afterwards. There's something pretty special about gathering to share an event like this, and was well worth my time to incorporate it into my weekend.
Associated links:
Into to Physics on juni - education for the real world (website)
Brian Green (website)
Isaac Newton (Wikipedia)
Albert Einstein (Wikipedia)
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity (
Introduction to Newton's Theory of Gravity (Khan Academy)
Edwin Hubble (Wikipedia)
Department of Physics (University of Auckland)
Richard Easther (website)